Witches need ritual like bros need protein powder.

Am I right?!

Listen, if you're a witch & you're NOT using the power of magick in your copy writing... I say this with love:

Witches struggle or thrive in proportion to the amount that we practice our magick. Period.

If you want to feel clear, confident & of service when you write your sales copy...

If you want your words to pour forth with ease and flow, without self-doubt or subtle shame getting in the way...

If you want to write your sales pages in one sitting, rather than laboring for weeks or months!...

If you want to give yourself goosebumps saying the truest thing...

The thing that'll have some people resonating, some people side-eying...

But most importantly?! YOUR PEOPLE BUYING...

It doesn't have to take 17 days and 3 mental breakdowns to nail the perfect copy...

It doesn't require fancy branding or the perfect fonts...

And you don't need to become the best writer the 'gram ever did see.

What it requires?!?

Is the courage to make a powerful, unapologetic argument.

An argument that is true to your wildest, wisest witch.

An argument that bravely demonstrates your values, your leadership, your angle and your approach.

An argument that gives people a taste of where you're gonna take them – inside of themselves – when they step into your container.

And for us witches it is way fucking easier to make this kind of argument – when you remember who you are & harness the power of magick.

Join me beloved for
Sales Story Magick
Recorded Ritual Workshop

Show me your ways, Witch🪄

$22 from all registrations will go to this highly trusted mutual aid network getting money to people on the ground in Gaza.

I wrote this sales page in 97 minutes.
(Then edited it in another 45.)

Yes, I've been writing sales pages for 15 years, so I've got some experience.

But the part that made it easy? That made it FLOW?

Is the ritual I'll be teaching you in Sales Story Magick.

Because even though I've got over a decade of experience in sales & marketing, I still get choked up when I really want something to work.

I still feel the clenches of pressure and desire.

I still doubt if people will buy.

And that's with a lot of evidence that they will.

So if you're over there feeling fear and anxiety, freeze and avoidance right next to desire and devotion around your work... welcome to the party.

You're not alone and nothing's wrong with you.

It is VULNERABLE to put your soul's greatest gifts into the world, hoping they'll be received.

Which is why we need practices that help us reconnect to what we're really doing.

Beyond the inner-dialogues of..

"Will they buy?"
"Does this make sense?"
"What am I even trying to say here?!?!"

There are resonant TRUTHS that we can access via our lived experiences, our client's lived experiences, and the coming together of the two.

And the ritual I'm going to teach you in Sales Story Magick is the what unlocks that connection.

... with an energy of love.
... with devotion to service.
... with authentic self-expression at the center.
... and with embodied feelings of success, possibility & joy as you scribe.

This is the very sales copy ritual that gets me through constriction, self-doubt, dysregulation and nerves when they arise...

And allows me to focus on the gift I'm here to give, and who I'm here to give it to... in my unique way, with my unique flavor.


After you learn this simple, fast ritual, I'll use the rest of our workshop to teach you the easiest, most powerful sales page structure that I use over and over again, every time I sell, that yields great results.


SALES STORY MAGICK is a 3 hour ritual workshop for letting your WITCH write the script of your sales pitch, from start to finish... without self-doubt talking you out of knowing what you know and owning the potency of your offering.

DELIGHT in the process of calling in your ideal clients.

Cause it’s a ✨ritual✨, not a chore.


What's Included:

  • Sales Story Magick Energy Ritual for confidently harnessing your Genius Witch to connect with your most soul-aligned client
  • Sales Pages That Sell Without Selling Out real-time writing workshop, inclusive of: 1) headline magick, 2) argument alchemy, 3) story synergy, 4) divine deets & 5) praise n' testimonies
  • A gorgeous ritual guidebook (with screen reader accessibility) to accompany the workshop and refer back to over and over again anytime you’ve got a sales page to write

Ease. Potency. Clarity. Resonance. Joy.

Connect to your most magickal power,
even when you’re writing your sales pages.

I'm in, Witch🪄

$22 from all registrations will go to this highly trusted mutual aid network getting money to people on the ground in Gaza.

Sales Story Magick is for you if –

You've got an offer you fucking love, and you're really great at delivering it... but you feel like your sales pages / copy writing don't capture the FULL essence of your magick.

You want to connect with more radically resonant clients who VIBE at a value level.

You're here to serve in a way that feels joyful & generous.

You want to be able to write your sales pages and copy with ease and velocity, every single time.

You're a witchy mother fucker, and love the art of ritual to drop you into the potency of your medicine.

You want to learn the rules to break the rules. I'll give you a structure to play with – but the most important thing is you feel dropped into CONNECTION with your power, and your clients' power.

Sales Story Magick is NOT for you if –

You're not quite sure what you're selling.

You wanna manipulate and convince your people to buy.

You want guarantees that your shit will sell. (My only guarantee is that you'll feel way more connected to your power, and your clients' power – and be able to write to them from that place, in service to that part of them.)

You have a hard time dropping into ritual space.

You're looking for someone to edit your copy or sales page.

Got questions? We've got answers. Reach out to [email protected] and someone on the team will get back to you within 2 business days!Â