A mythical map for coaches facilitating personal and collective trauma resolution.
ReBloom is a garden of initiation.
If you're ready to serve your clients and our world with the highest integrity, effectiveness and heart, this model can be your medicine.
Through seven original archetypes for post-traumatic growth, you'll be guided on a profound journey of healing, awakening, and regenerating — your personal aliveness, your professional capacity, and our collective wellness.
Offering cutting edge nervous system science, trauma-informed coaching skills, a lens on systemic oppression, and an entire chapter on ethics, ReBloom is the book you need if you're ready to serve impeccably.

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What's Inside?
- A mythical allegory that introduces the 7 archetypes for post-traumatic growth.
- A digestible breakdown of nervous system essentials, and how to spot various trauma responses at the body level.
- A map for moving from trauma to embodied and relational resilience.
- Over 20 trauma-informed coaching skills, with language examples.
- The Four Cornerstones of Embodied Ethics
- Teachings on ConSensual Sales and Marketing
- A chapter on each ReBloom archetype that shares personal stories and client case studies, as well as practices and approaches for working with the 7 traumatic imprints.
- Beautiful hand-drawn charts, visuals and graphics to support your learning experience.
- Poetry and prose, spells and affirmations, to invoke personal and collective liberation
The Seven Archetypes for
Post-Traumatic Growth
Healing neglect and abandonment, the sense that you don't matter or you're not allowed to need.
ReBlooming your natural worthiness to receive in relationship with others, to be interdependent.
Healing exploitation and boundary violations that lead to rigid boundaries or flimsy boundaries.
ReBlooming your capacity to trust and follow your embodied yeses and nos for the sake of your greatest growth.
Healing shame and repression, the denial of your truest identity, medicine, creativity and gifts.
ReBlooming whole self expression: sharing the fullness of your heart with love and power.
Healing manipulation and control, narcissistic abuse and gaslighting.
ReBlooming your capacity to sense, see and hear your own inner-wisdom, and lead a life of integrity.
Healing physical and emotional violence, addiction and chaos.
ReBlooming the rhythms, relationships and embodied practices that help you cultivate vitality, stability and resiliency.
Healing isolation, alienation and a disconnection from community.
ReBlooming intimate belonging to land, lineage, sensuality, sex, and togetherness.
Healing the wounds of colonization, capitalism, white supremacy and patriarchy.
ReBlooming right-relationship to time, resources, power, and each other. Co-creating with Life itself.
Who ReBloom is written for
- The mystical coaches, therapists and guides who are here to help their clients and our planet heal from personal and collective trauma.
- The witches, wizards and beloved garden tenders.
- The humans on their own healing journey, looking for sage stories, hands-on practices, and wise council about how to embody their greatest aliveness, purpose and empowerment.
- The integrity-driven.
- The soulfully-inclined.
- The togetherness-devotee... who also wants to celebrate their unique individuality.
- The brand new or experienced healer who wants to meet their clients' trauma with greater effectiveness and safety.

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About the Author
Rachael Maddox is the creator and founder of the ReBloom Coach Training, an 18-month certification training for experienced coaches seeking to bring ethical, top-quality trauma resolution to their clients and community.
After serving hundreds of humans with sexual or developmental trauma, Rachael created a groundbreaking archetypal model for healing that centers both personal and collective resiliency.
Rachael has been featured on over 100 podcast interviews and is esteemed as a leading teacher, expert and guide on trauma in the coaching industry. Her first book, Secret Bad Girl: A Sexual Trauma Memoir and Resolution Guide, sold over 20,000 copies, and is praised for its page-turning infectiousness.
Rachael has the unique capacity to find patterns amidst complexity, and share digestible, soulful ways forward. An artist and mystic, humanitarian and lover, she fills every page of ReBloom with poetic, radical visions for a more beautiful world.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the audiobook narrated by Rachael?
If I'm not a coach or therapist, can I still read and receive support from ReBloom?
What’s the difference between ReBloom and Rachael's first book, Secret Bad Girl?
What qualifies Rachael to write this book? What’s Rachael’s training and background?
Are the ReBloom Archetypes original? Are they gendered?
How long is the book?
Are there a lot of hard-to-understand scientific concepts in the book?
Is the book theoretical or applicable?
Is the book traumatizing or challenging to read?

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