Embody the power of your Inner-Mystic Mother, without conventional constriction or fear holding you back.


Whether you're in the portal of preconception, pregnancy or postpartum – the childbearing years are an initiation of a lifetime. You deserve exquisite, soulful support.


3 months.
2 1:1s with Rachael.
4 virtual community cauldrons with Rachael & Jasmine.
4 nights, 3 days of sacred retreat on the Big Island.
8 beloveds, max.



$4444 in full.
Or four payments of $1111.

$111 donated to the Hawai'i Land Trust per participant.

You’re ready to expand.

Your family. Your belly. Your heart.

Which you know will require letting go –

Of too much work.
Too much worry.

Or too many expectations around exactly how it will all pan out.

Of your maiden identity.
Of your maiden lifestyle.
But also, of the lie that you have to trade everything in, in order to step into Mother.

Damn. It’s an initiation like no other.

Good thing you're a seasoned seeker... a witchy wisdom-keeper... a mistress of mystery ready for the ride of a lifetime.

Rather than following the conventional paths laid out before you... (what your parents think is "normal", what your partner thinks is "safe", what society says is "doable")...

You're called to the journey of Soul Descent.

The kind of ride that dissolves you of your smallness, drops you all the way down to the ground of your true being, before allowing you to rise again, big and bigger still, soul-FUL and more you than ever before.

Whether your first or your third – bringing life down to earth is a total death and rebirth. 

And you want sacred, alchemical, practical support traversing the gates of initiation.

We've got you.❤️



Magic 4X is a space for powerful women at various parts of their journey into the Motherverse...


Maybe you’re at the Gate of Pre-Conception. Whether single or partnered, there’s a hunger in your center. A cry to become Mother. You’re not sure how, when or (honestly) if it’ll happen, but you're ready to prepare your inner and outer terrains. Make fertile your deepest intention – physically, energetically, relationally and foundationally.
You're asking...
  • Am I fertile? How do I get my body and spirit ready for pregnancy?
  • Is it time? Are my partner and I ready?
  • Is my foundation solid enough to bring a baby into it? What would be the most MAGICAL foundation I could bring our baby into?
  • How do I heal... from past miscarriages, abortions, traumas or fears?
  • What do I need to say NO to, in order to really make space to say yes to this threshold?
  • OMG... is this really happening??


Maybe you’ve declared a full resounding yes. You’ve shouted blessings to the heavens inviting alllll the babies in. You’re in the Conception Portal, a dance of surrender with the divine. Whether you've just arrived, or you've had many many tries... the call and the challenge is to stay open at your core. Vulnerable and trembling with love. Discovering anything out of balance from below to within to above. This is the beginning of Dissolution.
You're asking...
  • When will I get pregnant?... How will I get pregnant?... Will I get pregnant?
  • Why do I teeter between so anxious vulnerability, and utter unshakable trust?
  • Who is the spirit of my baby? How can I commune with them and let them know they're welcome with me?
  • What if after all this preparation, I'm somehow broken, unable to conceive?
  • Can I trust the mystery, divine timing, the unknown?
  • How does our baby really wanna come down? What's their version of an ecstatic conception scene?!


Maybe you’re in the Creative Descent of Pregnancy, stretching stretching stretching. With every inch of womb expansion, there’s more surface area of inner-work to examine. Lineage. Ancestors. Money. Pleasure. Trauma. Partnership. What it means to parent in times like these. No stone goes unturned, as the Dissolution stage continues. You churn and spiral your way towards birth. Each day, moving closer to the pinnacle oracle, the peak of the mountain at the depths of your being. Your eventual meeting with baby.
You're asking...
  • Is my baby okay? 
  • What's happening to me? Who am I becoming?
  • Why doesn't our culture support mothers more? This is so hard core.
  • Who's on my team? What support do I need?
  • How do I want to give birth?
  • What are my values, and how can they be reflected in pregnancy, birth and postpartum?


Maybe you’re in Postpartum Baby Land, the terrain of steady devotion. You’re finding your footing with nourishment and healing, possibly breastfeeding and co-parenting, career questions and love making. Not to mention, attuning to your baby, learning their cues, responding to their cries, supporting the most sacred foundation of their brand new life. It's a Metamorphis like no other.
You're asking...
  • How do I integrate my birth experience? 
  • How do I digest the fact that I'm a mother? (For the first time, or again?)
  • How can I nourish my body adequately? Who's nourishing *me*?
  • How do I heal and strengthen my body? Sex? Exercise? 
  • How do I navigate old relationships as the new me?
  • What matters to me in terms of how I raise my baby?
  • Do I want to go back to work? Do I feel called to the same work, still?


Wherever you are on the Map of the Motherverse, you know the power of potent support.

You're a strong witch, a seasoned mystic yourself – which is exactly why you're eyeing this page.

You want to be in the company of generous, generative care. The kind that respects, uplifts and elicits your deepest power.

Because becoming Mother is an initiation like no other.

You're not meant to walk it alone.


Let's walk it together... over 3-months time, including a luscious nature-drenched retreat at a magical 23-acre off-grid sanctuary on the Big Island of Hawaii! 🏝️🌋🌊❤️‍🔥



"Rachael Maddox has a rare depth and capacity. Brilliant, sharp and attuned mind, a heart so vast you feel enveloped in her presence, and instincts that are uncanny and witchy-wise. And damn, can she hold a container. 

As someone who does a lot of holding, who wields a lot of inner power and has heaps of ambition, it honestly takes someone both strong and sensitive, trustable and trusting, and deeply experienced in their craft to fully relax into their holding.

I’ve often felt terrified to free fall, surrender, unwind and receive the kind of support I know I need, some of the deepest level support a leader could ask for and find. But with Rachael I can let go. She knows just how to meet, honour, lead and pace the deepest of territories towards the sweetest of revelations.

It’s inner work, heart work, healing work, body work, spiritual work, and sweet, kind & POWERFUL work. 

If you’re a leader who holds, drives and is responsible for all the things, who deep down wonders of anyone can meet those places and spaces that you know you need to go, Rachael is your witch."

– Chela Davison, Master Integral Coach, Creator of LEAD

All the deets of what's included –

  • A 10-question Soul Query for you to dive deep with before any of our meetings. These questions will catalyze your MAGIC 4X Entering the Motherverse adventure, connecting you to threads of inner-truth and power, serendipity and alchemy. To make the most of our time together, Rachael will read through your replies twice before we ever hop on a session.
  • 2 75 minute 1:1s with Rachael (1 before Hawaii and 1 after). These sessions are an opportunity for you to identify and work through any deeper challenges you’re facing related to your Motherverse journey. Rachael will combine her expertise in somatic trauma resolution with her 15 years experience in intuitive listening and coaching to help you alchemize fear, constriction and unfinished business into resonant aligned flow.
  • 4 2-hour coven council calls (2 before Hawaii and 2 after). These gatherings will include rituals of preparation and rituals of integration and digestion bookending our Hawaii retreat. They'll be essential for forming group coherence, as well as helping you prepare your inner-landscape to get the most out of our in-person alchemy.
  • 4 nights and 3 days of in-person ritual casting in service to your biggest questions and intentions. Rachael will draw on 20+ years of witchery and somatic trauma resolution to guide you into and through a process of communion with your Inner Mystic Mother. Day 1: the question. Day 2: the clearing. Day 3: the receiving. We'll practice nature oracles, ecstatic dance, group mirroring & forum, free writing and more. Jasmine will guide daily embodiment sessions of intimate communion with your heart, womb, breasts and bones.
  • 4 nights lodging with your own personal room at the Ahu Lani Sanctuary on the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island.
  • Transportation from the airport to the sanctuary on Sept 19th. We will do ONE TRIP at 6pm. Please arrive earlier in the day if you'd like to catch our shuttle. The sanctuary is a 90 minute drive from the airport.
  • Local & organic meals, snacks, coffee & tea throughout the entire retreat. Snacks on the evening of Sept 19. Breakfast, lunch & dinner on Sept 20, 21, 22. Breakfast on Sept 23.


Important dates & times –

  • Our Coven Council Calls are Wednesdays 3-5pm PST. Aug 23, Sept 6, Oct 4, Oct 15.
  • Our Big Island Retreat begins the evening of Sept 19th & ends the morning of Sept 23rd.


Who this is for & who it's not for –


Group coherence is incredibly important in order for the magic to flow. As such, this will be a highly curated coven. 


This IS for you if –

  • You're a seasoned seeker, likely a healing practitioner / teacher / guide, and you're asking all the questions about the intersection of work, motherhood and identity 
  • You want to be held in a strong circle of mature support – with trusted able guides & brilliant, magical coven-mates
  • You consider yourself witchy AF... animism, somatics, altar-building, spell-casting, potions... you're into it.
  • You love celebrating others in both their vulnerability and their power
  • Maybe you're feeling tender, maybe you're feeling excited, maybe you're feeling some combo of scared/hopeful/ready/resistant... either way, you want exquisite support as your journey into the Motherverse unfolds
  • You understand that conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum are mythic realms and cannot be forced or controlled – you're devoted to the mysterty
  • You welcome all female-bodied folks into the space, regardless of gender identity 
  • You're female-bodied but identify on the gender spectrum (you are welcome to join!)

This is NOT for you if –

  • You're newer on your healing and development journey
  • You feel skeptical about or uncomfortable with mysticism or magic
  • You're looking for someone to guarantee a safe or speedy pregnancy or birth
  • You've got a lot of unresolved trauma that would be better suited for a longer container
  • Exploring your motherhood questions in a group feels too exposing, vulnerable or triggering
  • You're looking to be saved in any way
  • You're not welcoming / inclusive of expansive gender identities
  • You tend to have a difficult time feeling comfortable in group containers



Meet Your Guides

Rachael Maddox & Jasmine Rose are two women that are walking wildly different pathways of the Mother Road, but with shared reverence for the journey. Rachael was Jasmine's client through her preconception, pregnancy and postpartum time. And Jasmine was Rachael's student when Rachael taught trauma resolution skills to practitioners.

It's a rare joy to get to criss-cross medicines in this way, but we trust each other deeply because of it, and are so excited to offer our unique gifts to women entering the Motherverse.

About Rachael

Okay, don't hate me when you read this, but...

My husband and I got pregnant on our "first try". We birthed our baby without drugs or intervention, safely and powerfully in our bedroom at home, and we're riding a deeply nourishing postpartum time, free of trauma, depression or anxiety.

But here's the thing...

NONE of it happened without magic... (or challenge).

For years, I walked my preconception road solo, with a fierce devotion to meeting the right partner – a man to birth worlds and babies with. I didn't settle for the almost-but-not-quite-right. I held out for him, loneliness, doubts, and all.

When we knew we wanted to open our conception portal, we did a 3-day self-guided retreat, full of soulful ritual, hard questions, wild dancing and deep listening.

We conceived our baby after a day-long ritual following a pendulum through Southern Colorado. Our babe literally came down as lightening struck, thunder crashed and orgasms splashed all around.

Every. Single. Step. of our journey has been conscious, intentional and mystical.

My pregnancy was hard as hell, but through it, the myth of Persephone carried me, asking me to go deeper into the underworld of truth, letting go of everything and anyone who wasn't meant to come with me on the next steps of my Mother Road.

I even encountered a real life birth cave on the beaches of Mendicino, California during our Babymoon, and communed with the spirit of the Timeless Cave Woman to help ease my anxieties and prepare for birth.

I wish I could tell you it takes effort for me to be this way, but the truth is, it's my nature. I look for myth and meaning in every day experiences constantly. I make ritual out of ordinary moments like a religion passed down through generations.

The hard part is remembering that THIS – this mystical power that lives inside of me (and you, too, absolutely) – is the SAFEST BET.

Safer than strategy. Safer than reason. Safer than whatever authority out there wants to tell you what to do.

And WHEN we remember, and WHEN we commit, our magic makes way for miracles.

I am devoted to remembering with every ounce of my body and soul. And I am devoted to helping you remember, too.

Learn more about Rachael right here.

About Jasmine

I have been on a deep, winding, Mother Road journey for the past 6 years - on a path of reverent relationship with the soul and body of my Womb. This path has sculpted and molded me - asking me to dearmour my heart, tend to the wounds/trauma that I have held within my womb, and come into right relationship with the cycles and rhythms of my womanhood.

My descent was, and continues to be, significant. I can say with absolute conviction that when our Mother Road journey is a long road, that we are not being punished. In fact, life is presenting us with an opportunity to take the time to step into the Women that we are destined to be on this Earth. To claim the initiations that we are being asked to walk with great courage and acknowledgment of the depth of responsibility we hold to bring children into our Wombs.

Along my journey...

I have become sober.

I have fallen deeper in love with my husband.

I am wildly connected to my womanly body.

I am profoundly connected to my blood as a sacred gift.

I feel a depth of reverent love for my womb in a way that brings me to tears.

I connect with my Spirit babies often - and I trust their divine sequence.



I have brought my beloved babies down from the stars into my womb, and loved them as they left my body through miscarriage. I have touched down on the grief and have been held in ritual and ceremony as I wove love back in.

The Conscious Conception/Fertility journey is one that will invite us to truly surrender to the Mystery. It is a path of Spirit, just as much as it is of Body.

Through this journey, I have begun to midwife women through this portal of their own becoming, bridging the physiological and the spiritual journey of the Mother Road.

It is here that we weave the love back in.

Learn more about Jasmine right here.

More love for the work~



"Rachael has an incredible gift of really seeing the people in front of her. There was no hiding in our work and I felt so seen, honored and supported by her. She is simultaneously a magical witch and incredibly human and we were able to tackle some really difficult things with levity and at my right pace. 
My work with Rachael and her support changed my damn life. She's the most in-integrity coach and mentor I have ever worked with and I am forever changed by her support. 
I am a coach and therapist myself and am incredibly picky about who I hire for professional support. I highly recommend her for the most potent blend of magical and practical support."
— Alyssa Pressman
Licensed Therapist & Coach

"In my very first feeler call with Rachael I felt seen in a way that brought tears to my eyes. She saw the parts of me that I thought no one could see, the parts I had kept hidden under shame for so long. And that was only the beginning of what has turned into a life-changing experience. 
As someone who has done well over a decade of trauma-resolution, and supports others with this, I am very particular about who I choose to work on trauma related issues. I can say without a doubt that Rachael is one of the best post-traumatic-growth practitioners I have ever had the privilege to work with.
She has a super-power for attuning to and facilitating a shift for the parts of self stuck in unresolved fight/flight/freeze. She utilizes many modalities, weaving her magic effortlessly, while empowering her client to be in full self-consent and sovereignty at all times.
Through this deep, yet gentle, work, I was able to come to a whole new understanding of what I want love and connection to feel like. Rachael helped me to know in my mind, heart, and gut that I deserve extraordinary love and fulfillment, and gave me a framework to start receiving just that.  
The amazing thing about Rachael is that she can help you resolve your trauma and connect to your purpose and truth, and she is a very skilled business coach. My business bloomed while working with Rachael. For me it was not so much about making more money, though that happened, but rather about creating a sustainable and regenerative business. A business that supported me not just financially, but emotionally and spiritually too. Instead of feeling drained by my work, as could happen in the past, I am feeling filled up and alive. I am more clear on what clients and projects are a yes for me, and which are not. Coaching with Rachael has allowed me to consistently serve from a place of abundance and love, while honoring my own needs and desires at the same time.  
Without reservations, and with great pleasure, I highly recommend working with Rachael. I'm so grateful for her presence in my life."
- Jessica Graham
Author, Meditation Teacher, Trauma and Grief Resolution Guide, Couples Coach, Filmmaker, and Actor 


"Working with Rachael in her Coven was exactly the magical support I needed. I was safely held while processing deep somatic work with a talented (Jedi) practitioner in my 1:1 sessions. I had a small coven who quickly became soul sisters and listened intently as I shared and shed big fears. I danced and played in rituals casting spells and connecting with the forgotten parts of myself that finally felt ready to emerge. I’ll be forever grateful for Rachael, the lessons learned, and the support I received both in business and life from her coven."
— Lesha Nelson
Somatics, Trauma & Matrescence Guide


"I literally do not know where to begin when it comes to sharing the life changing experiences I’ve had with Rachael in her containers. The rituals and space she guides and holds are unreal. It’s like someone is giving you the warmest embrace of your life while simultaneously giving you all the space to dance and fly.
She naturally knows when to hold you down and when to gently nudge towards your edgy, slightly uncomfortable but oh so real desires. It’s just the right balance. And you come out of these experiences in awe of your own courage and rawness.
It’s like a homecoming to parts of yourself you always knew were there that just needed a little watering. Rachael waters. Truly. She waters, and plays, and dances, and boldly moves in ways that create such a synergy and expansiveness that you leave the space believing anything is possible.
And for reals, those possibilities and desires, become actualized. It’s unreal. So many moments in my life have drastically pivoted as a result of being guided, held and in ritual with Rachael. It is such a blessing!"
– Dema 
Community Organizer